Minecraft Secret Rooms Mod [1.4.5]

Minecraft Mods — November 30, 2012, 10:35 AM

This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surrounding world. All of these blocks have extremely useful functions that allow you to simply hide your diamonds, or punish all who dare try to get to them. Hidden doors, pressure plates, hidden levers and more! pay special attention to the revolutionary Ghost block. this block is visible in every way, but you can walk right through it. A fearsome trap for anyone who dares try stealing your diamonds with a floor made of this stuff over a pit of lava.


  • backslash >> \ <<
    • changes the way the OneWay camo blocks are placed. this can be changed under the controls menu.


  • /srm-show
    • togggles the visiblity of the secret blocks. They only update in a certain radius, so you may have to toggle this multiple times.

Blocks and Items:

1) Torch lever

BlockID = 200

Works like a normal lever, but looks exactly like a torch. It even sheds light.

2) OneWay Camo

BlockID = 201

One side camo, all the rest glass. Looks like glass in the inventory. When placed, camo side is either towards or away from you. This can be toggled with the BackSlash key, \.

3) Shelf Gate

BlockID = 202

Camoflages to the blocks arround it, and when its powered, it extends up to 10 blocks. Try for your self in an open area.

Its orrientation is the same as the OneWayCamo blocks.

4) ShelfGate Extension

BlockID = 203


Camoflauges to the blocks arround them.

5) Camo TrapDoor

BlockID = 204

A TrapDoor that camouflages itself to the surrounding blocks. it is open-able with clicking or right-clicking, Be careful not to forget where you put it.

6) ShelfGate Extension

BlockIDs = 205 & 206 ItemIDs = 3851 & 3852

Doors that camouflage. AS usual, the iron doors are only openabble by a redstone signal while the wooden doors can be opened with a click.

7) Camo Paste

ItemIDs = 3850

This item is an essential building block of all Camolfage blocks.

8) Ghost Block

BlockID = 207

You can see them, but walk right through them.

9) Secret Camoflage Lever

BlockID = 208

Camoflages like all the other “camo” blocks, but his one works like a lever.

10) Secret CamoFlage Redstone

BlockID = 209

Another Camo Block. but this one carries a redstone current just like normal redstone. Hoewver, it doesn’t have the normal 15 block length limit. you can have these go as far as you want.

11) Secret CamoFlage Button

BlockID = 210

Another Camo block, but works like a button.

12 & 13) Secret Camo Pressure-Plates

BlockIDs = 211 & 212

These are very special camo blocks. when something passes over them, they emit a redstone signal. The wooden one on the left powers when anything goes over it. The Iron version on the right only provides power when a player passes over it.

14) Secret Camo Chests

BlockID = 214

Works like a chest, just camouflages like everything else, and doesn’t open up like other chests.

15) Secret Camo Stairs

BlockID = 215

Works like stairs. You place them like you would any other, and ofcourse, they are camoflaged. ** works best with the Ghost Blocks


Same for both Client and Server

  • Install The Minecraft Forge Server or the Version listed by the download.
  • Copy the downloaded Zip to your mods folder.
  • Delete property file (/config/SecretRoomsMod.prop) if it already exists.
  • Enjoy


ModLoader is officially dropped. The Bukkit version is also dropped, It is expected that Bukkit and Forge will split further rather than join. The other version that was here before was an attempt by someone else to update. It was a good try, but far from perfect. This new release is also far from perfect. Many of the features that this mod copied have changed a bit, thus this mod is in need of a re-write.


  • Updated for Minecraft 1.4.5
  • did most of promised reqrite
  • fixed Camo redstone
  • fixed any camoflaging issues
  • possibly fixed mod-block support.
  • added recipes for CamoChests and CamoStairs in the post

Download Minecraft Secret Rooms Mod [1.4.5]:


Credits: AbrarSyed

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