Minecraft Player API Mod 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.7.10

Minecraft Mods — August 1, 2016, 8:39 PM - 28,253 Views

Minecraft Player API Mod

Player API Mod gives third party mods managed access to the main player class

Player API is an API which provides access to

  • the client class “EntityPlayerSP” aka “aym” or
  • the server class “EntityPlayerMP” aka “ih” or
  • the bukkit class “EntityPlayer”

while minimizing conflicts between mods.


For installation instructions:

  • make sure you download the right file:
    • Client for client side mods that require Player API client
    • Server for server side mods that require Player API server
    • Bukkit for bukkit mods that require Player API bukkit
  • read the “installation” section of your download’s readme files


  • Player API is compatible with Minecraft Forge, just install Player API after Minecraft Forge.
    WARNING this does only work before Minecraft 1.6.1. For Minecraft 1.6.1 and later use Player API forge.

Developer: Divisor

Download Player API for Minecraft:

Player API v1.4 for Minecraft 1.7.10
Player API v1.4 for Minecraft 1.8
Player API v1.0 for Minecraft 1.8.9
Player API v1.0 for Minecraft 1.9
Player API v1.0 for Minecraft 1.9.4
Player API v1.0 for Minecraft 1.10
Player API v1.0 for Minecraft 1.10.2


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